grown quite fond of my usual social media sites. Each have a different purpose & people group with their own world views & cultures. Here they are in order of
importance: Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn & Google +.
In the past few months however I have noticed something interesting. I
find myself gravitating towards the stunning visuals of Pinterest & the brief
pictorials of Instagram.
I enjoy microblogging I prefer taking photos and uploading them to my iPhone
and letting friends, family & loved ones share in the experience. A great
pic and an appropriate hashtag on Instagram & I am off to the races. I have
linked my Instagram account to my Twitter and Facebook account so I am still
sharing it on those sites, but my go to ap has shifted to Instagram., Instagram is the name of an online photo sharing social Web service that
lets you share your life with friends through a series of pictures captured
with a mobile device. I love the simplicity of Instagram. I don’t have to think of something
to say just something to show. There is a lot of beauty in the world and I
notice it more then I want to talk about it. Instagram affords me that.
late at night when I cannot sleep, I find the visuals and creativity of
Pinterest to be fluid and soothing. Pinterest is a web and
mobile application company that offers a visual discovery, collection, sharing,
and storage tool. Users create and share the collections of visual bookmarks
(boards). Boards are created through a user selecting an item, page, website,
etc. and pinning it to an existing or newly created board.
connects me with the creative world and I am inspired by how talented and
brilliant people are. The built in filing system lets me find the things I have
pinned and I can revisit them simply and intuitively because I get to create
& label them. I even have a board on Pinterest labeled: Brilliant
Each social media site is a platform & comes with a perception these are my personal perceptions of the sites I use.
Instagram: Photo Journal
Twitter: News & Megaphone
Pinterest: Collective Creative Brain
Facebook: Neighborhood & Family Diary
LinkedIn: Executive Happy Hour
Google +: Exclusive Inclusive Circles
In each site I am still Jayne but I am aware of my personality in the sites and post accordingly. I
see a not to distant future for me, where everything is connected to one site,
that site is Pinterest. Pinterest is consumer driven and creative. It is not as
cluttered with sales and marketing mavens as the other sites are. Maintaining
several sites takes hours of time. If they all flowed out of one that would
make life simpler for me. I still
believe in the old adage that “a picture is worth a thousand words” and with
Twitter I can only use 140 characters. True I can add a photo, but it is a different vibe & feel. I prefer to be a part of a Collective Creative Brain site. If all the above mentioned sites started to charge me for use. I would choose Pinterest.
years from now there may be a new social media site that I find delight in, but
I believe for me, as long as we have mobile devices there will always be a
photo involved. Say Cheese!
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